


在过去,K飓风等自然灾害atrina (2005) and superstorm Sandy (2012) have caused severe damage to valuable collections of biomaterial. Inadvertent equipment failures have also jeopardized priceless tissue collections, exemplified by the dramatic loss of 1/3 of the world’s largest collection of autistic brain samples after freezer failure. These and similar unfortunate events have reshaped our thinking about disaster recovery and the need to protect stored biomaterial from events beyond our control.

Plans for risk mitigation and disaster recovery are now recognized to be an essential feature in biobanks, biotech companies, and core facilities at universities. However, one choice rarely considered in the context of disaster recovery is the selection of the type of freezers used for storage of cryogenic biomaterial. The consequences of this choice are highlighted in a newvideo来自Azenta Life Sciences,该公司的生物银行业务负责人Kathi Shea称重2- 对机械冰柜的冷却储存技术。

She makes a compelling argument in favor of storage technologies based on liquid nitrogen.


She points out that cryogenic storage in LN2坦克具有其他冷藏技术无法提供的独特灾难缓解益处。

“In a power outage, full mechanical freezers will warm at a rate of up to 10°C per hour," she says, "Samples that are stored in an LN2油箱要安全得多,因为这些储罐将使您的生物产品保持20天以上的温度。”

This extra time might make all the difference in disaster response scenarios. Emergency rescue operations, especially when properly planned, will (in all likelihood) be concluded within a few days. Biomaterial collections stored in LN2如果适当维护并定期填充液氮,则基于温度波动或瞬态变暖事件(TWES)将不会受到损害。已知这些二聚体会导致干细胞的秋季生存能力和功能大幅下降。

在灾难恢复的情况下以及日常操作中,Azenta Life Sciences通过自动化为低温生物材料存储提供了理想的解决方案Biostore™III冷冻-190°C系统

这些系统在灾难恢复中是有利的,因为它是LN2- 基于LN后最多可以保持温度长达三个星期或更长时间2补充。如果发生自然灾害或扩大的停电,则设备中的生物产品完全安全,并且在低于水的玻璃过渡温度(大约-135°C)的温度下存储,所有生物活动都扩散被认为停止了。




As Kathi Shea points out, “The BioStore™ III Cryo -190°C System retains the benefits of a manual LN2freezer but also provides improved protection and efficiency with the use of sample automation. By having the automation, we provide consistency in sample handling. We minimize sample warmings, keeping all samples below the glass transition temperature and protecting the innocents.”

Naturally, planning for disaster recovery does not stop with the choice of the appropriate and best biostorage technology. Such plans should also include training sessions for key personnel and contingency plans for relocation of the entire lab.